Monday, November 14, 2011

Survive on Low Incomes techniques

Survive on Low Incomes techniques:

A lot of people talk about saving money for the rainy days to come.

Most people will say" Only if I have an extra money will I save". People who pay their bills first and uses only whatever balance left will they pay themselves as a form of their savings.

Seriously most people can relate to this scenario. Many people when getting their paychecks will pay their living costs and bills first. What will be left will become their savings. This savings may fluctuate every month making it difficult to reach their savings goals.

The resolution to this is to earn higher by getting a higher paying job, which is within one's control, or paying one's self first before any of the bills. Surviving and managing to save money.

How do you cope with low income?

Several factors enable a person to save first before paying any of his living costs.
1. In beginning a career it is best to stay with your parents first, thus avoiding paying rents.
2. Using you old parent's car, if there is, when driving to work and paying only the fuel. No need to bring out money for servicing a car loan.
3. No subscription bills like phone bills, magazine subscriptions, internet subscriptions and others.
4. Joining a company that has medical and dental insurances thus gaining more savings than paying for possible expenses.
5. Using company uniforms makes it unnecessary to purchase work clothes.
6. Avoiding too much entertainment to pleasure one's self after several days of work. Mostly staying at home helps.

A book on surviving low income can be a great help. The important lesson is for a person "to learn to live without" and "avoid buying things you cannot afford or you do not need". Frugality is the key.

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