Polytechnic is a skill training programme under Ministry of Higher Education. There are currently 19 polytechnics in the country conducting technical and vocational education offering 37 diploma and 26 certificate programmes covering study areas like engineering, commerce, food technology, marine, hospitality and Design. As at September 2003, there is a total student enrolment of 50,232 where 23,937 of them are undergoing course at the certificate level while the remaining 26,295 are studying at the diploma level.
The primary objective for the establishment of polytechnics is to provide broad-based education and training to upper secondary school leavers to become skilled personnel in the various engineering fields, commercial and service sectors, and upon graduation to become qualified technicians, technical assistants (assistant engineers), technologist and technicians at the semi-professional level as well as at the junior and middle executive levels.
Duration and Fee
All study programmes are conducted full-time at Certificate and Diploma levels. The duration for all certificate courses is 2 years (4 semesters), while the duration taken for all diploma courses is 3 years (6 semesters) with the exception of Diploma in Shipping (7 semesters) and Diploma in Secretarial Science (4 semesters). The course fees for both the Certificate and Diploma levels are about RM200 per semester.
General Entry Requirements
a) For Certificate Courses:
- Must be a Malaysian citizen
- Must pass the SPM or the SPM (Vocational) examination
b) For Diploma Courses:
- Must be a Malaysian citizen
- Must possess the Polytechnic Certificate which is relevant to the course applied for
Course Directory
The courses offered by Polytechnics at Certificate and Diploma levels can be summarised as belows:
a. Certificate Level
b. Diploma Level